SOM-L’Actualité Survey : Goodbye Boss!

SOM-L’Actualité Survey : Goodbye Boss!

Are your employees jumping ship and you are wondering why? There is a strong likelihood that their relationship with management has something to do with it, reveals a SOM-L’Actualité survey conducted among Quebec workers. In this context, offering free coffee or other freebies is a shot in the dark.

The survey results are striking:

  • Nearly 40 % of Quebec workers surveyed have already left a job because of a bad relationship with their boss;
  • 27 % of Quebec workers surveyed have already considered leaving a job because of a bad relationship with their boss.

In this study, Quebec workers also expressed their opinion on the attributes of a good or bad boss.

Is incompetentIs familiar with his field of activity
Does not assume his
Knows where he is going
Acts only for his own interestTakes care of the well-being of his
Does not trust his employeesDelegates and believes in his team
Micro-managesGives clear directions and
achievable goals
Does not consult his teamListens to his team
Abuses his powerTreats each of his employees fairly
Criticizes instead of helping to
Professionally stimulates his
Only thinks of making profitPromotes work-family balance
Does not listen to the needs of his
Creates a healthy, pleasant and
productive work environment
Is incapable of recognitionRecognizes the skills and the
achievements of his employees
Puts his stress on othersStands tall when there is adversity

Learn more

Read the article on L’Actualité (in French only)


This online survey was conducted from March 18th to 20th 2019 among 852 French-speaking adults workers from Quebec. The sample was taken from the SOM Gold Panel, which consists exclusively of randomly recruited Internet users on landlines and cell phones; it is therefore a probability sample. The data were weighted to best reflect the characteristics of the population. The maximum margin of error for all respondents is 3.9%, 19 times out of 20.

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